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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Get a Gorilla for Your Garden

Sometimes you just need big, strong animal power in your garden. May I suggest ... get a Gorilla! Now, I'm not talking the big, hairy primate type gorilla. I'm talking the sturdy, versatile and absolutely indispensable Gorilla Garden Dump Cart.

There was a time that I thought the best thing in my gardening arsenal was a sturdy wheel barrow. Yes, it was a little awkward to maneuver - but, it sure beat lugging heavy items around the yard by hand. And then along came the Gorilla Cart and I was hooked. No more struggling to keep the load upright, there's so much more flat surface for loading and the "dumping" feature is a delight.

These power house carts can haul up to a 600 pound capacity on a sturdy frame with 10 inch pneumatic tires. That means smooth sailing over your lawn and through your garden.  At last count, there were over 1,450 Amazon customer reviews rating this item at 4.4 out of 5 stars. That's a winner in my book and with a cost under $80, it an affordable addition to park next to your garden shed.

If you've got a Gorilla in your garden, post comments below ... I'd love to hear about it!

Gotta Have the Best Garden Hand Tools

Number one on the list of "gotta haves" for the traditional gardener is a good set of basic hand tools. You can buy cheap tools at the local dollar store or pay mega bucks for expensive tools. In the end, all you want is something that works and will last a good while.

My "go to" hand tools are Fiskars. You can get them just about anywhere ... Walmart, Lowe's, Home Depot. They're good quality and reasonably priced. Like any tool, keeping them clean and tidy helps them last longer, so don't forget to wipe them off before you stow them.

A good starter kit should have a trowel for digging, a transplanter to make transplanting your new seedlings or smaller plants easy and a cultivator to loosen soil and dig up surface weeds. My favorite is the Fiskars # 70676935J, Three Piece Softouch Garden Tool Set. I love the soft materials on the handles that let me use them for long periods of time without getting blisters. And I'm a big believer in reading other customer reviews, too. At last count, 775 Amazon customers rated this little tool set 4.5 out of 5 stars. And the best part, it's only about $18 or sometimes you can get them for even less with Amazon Prime. So if you need a new set of hand tools, this is the one I'd recommend without hesitation.

Next up, pruning shears ... gotta have them. These are the ones I keep in my garden shed - Fiskars # 91095935J,  10.75" Bypass Pruner. They're simple, strong and effective. You can buy these shears for under $13 and they also get rave customer reviews with 2,717 Amazon customers rating them a 4.3 out of 5 stars.

So there you have it ... the "gotta have" best garden basic hand tools to make your life simple and easy. You can shop the links below to find these little beauties quickly at Amazon. Whether you're a beginner or garden pro that needs to replace your worn out tools, keep these within reach and you'll be loving your garden time.

Want to Grow Your Own Organic Herbs & Vegetables? This is For You!

If you're like me, you've been spending quite a bit of time thinking about and researching different ways to grow your own herbs and vegetables. Having control over what goes into your food is a big deal. Who really wants pesticides, germs or parasites on their food? Organic is the way to go ... but, does it have to be so hard?

The answer is no ... no it doesn't. After almost a year of surfing the web, reading countless articles and following hundreds of Pinterest links, I found what I was looking for. A simple, low-cost way to grow my own organic produce without having to be a master gardener. Words cannot express how excited I am!

showing rootsHere's what I found. There’s a new company called Aggressively Organic that created a way you can grow the high quality produce you want in a single square foot. Yes, you read that correctly ... in one square foot on your kitchen counter, on a shelf or even in a closet, you can grow lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, beans, basil, oregano, cilantro, strawberries (just to list a few) and you have complete control over your food source. No digging in the dirt, no pesticides, no expensive or complicated farming equipment ... just a small amount of water, nutrients and LED lamps. How cool is that?

I’ll be writing more about this company in the future, so check back for new posts. But, for now, I just wanted to get this information out to everyone. Checkout Aggressively Organic's Victory Garden Beta 2 Launch. And if you get just as excited about this new company as I did ... Join the Aggressively Rewarding Cash Back Program and Save 10-40%.

I think you’ll fall in love with this company, their easy growing kit and how they are looking to change the way we think about feeding the world.